North Hall, drawn by Jane Gaitenby
North Hall, Huntington MA
North Hall, Huntington MA
North Hall, Huntington MA
North Hall, Huntington MA


North Hall circa 1900 with students and teacher
North Hall and students
photo by Howes Bros.

Built in 1795 As A Schoolhouse

North Hall after restoration
North Hall -2000; after Community
Development Block Grant

This building was one of the original schoolhouses in the town of Norwich. Some time in the mid 1800's an addition of an upstairs consisting of an upstairs meeting hall and extra room were added. School was held in the original schoolroom until 1934. It was referred to as the North School, and it was attended by grades 1-6 at that time. Since that time it has been used mainly as a community building for use by any local organization. Electricity was installed in 1929. Although the building is presently about 4 times its original size, the original building (1 room) is still easily seen.

Mrs. Edward W. Caron
Historical Review Booklet of 1955