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North Hall Arts Festival 2021

And  the North Hall Arts Festival 2021 will continue to bring you Virtual music by several of our performers who are providing links to their music (some audio and some video) so that you can ENJOY WHAT THEY DO. Tenor Antonio Abate with piano accompanist Jerome Tan performing “Bringing Joy to Others” last Feb. in concert at Pawley’s Island, SC.  Several local performers having played at the Open Mic Music Jams including Larry Tully, Jeff Penn and Ed Bentley share some of their tunes. Khalif Neville of the Khalif Neville Trio gives us music from his album WISHIN’;  The Bob Sparkman Trio presenting a video performance  of “Blues In B Flat”and Jerry Noble shares his Songs of Hope, a series of duets for and with various musicians. And Old Country Road Band shares  vintage country music videos performed at different venues.-